Foods You Shouldn’t Eat Daily
Muesli and cereal

Few people think about it, but cereals go through a long process of processing to get the form of flakes. During this time, they lose almost all useful properties. The advertisement, of course, says otherwise, but in fact, a breakfast of cereal with milk alone turns out to be as useless as possible. In addition, muesli and cereal contain a huge amount of sugar.
Dried fruits

Another supposedly healthy product, consisting of almost one sugar. Dates, raisins and dried apricots are foods that are best consumed fresh. If you are thinking about losing weight by buying dried fruits, then stop and think carefully. Isn’t the same dried apricots that you eat in kilograms preventing you from losing weight?
Be careful with this delicacy. A handful of dried fruits can be eaten no more than twice a week.

This beloved fish, unfortunately, is rich in mercury. Its regular consumption in food can lead to disastrous consequences. Mercury can accumulate in the body, which seriously affects health. But we are talking only about the situation when a person eats it every day. Therefore, you should not give up tuna. If you eat it once a week, no terrible consequences will come.